The Voice of Higher Education in Africa

Supporting the core functions of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs);

Facilitating a favourable HE policy environment

Providing a platform for discussions on emerging issues

Benefits of an AAU Member:
- Decision Making and Voting Rights: A member university has the chance to vote during AAU Statutory Meetings and influence decisions on the governance of the Association and contribute to the African Higher Education discourse.
- Networking: Member Institutions can make use of AAU’s extensive networks to form new partnerships
- Academic Mobility: AAU offers (depending on funding) staff mobility among member universities in Africa for the benefit of member institutions.
- Project Partnerships: The AAU brokers research and projects partnerships among member universities and development partners.
- Institutional Visibility: Member Institutions can make their institutions stand out through submission of content to be featured on the AAU Websites, AAU Television and AAU E-Newsletter. Member institutions could be featured on the AAU Blog under the section of Member Universities in Focus
- Research Visibility: Member institutions can have their university’s publications featured on the AAU Database of Theses and Dissertation-Including Research platform. Kindly access this link
- Research Support: Enjoy discounted research consultancy services from member universities
- Institutional Grants (when funding is available): Eligibility to apply for various competitive institutional grants Benefits to the Universities
- Access to AAU Knowledge & Information Hub: AAU Peer-Reviewed Journal; AAU State of Higher Education in Africa Global Survey report (to be launched soon); Project Policy Briefs; AAU Newsletters and others.
- Contribute to Continental & Global Dialogues: Make use of AAU policy statements for your institution’s advocacy efforts.
- E-Learning Platform: Free access for academics to the AU-eLearnAfrica Learning Management System. Kindly access this link
- Data and Statistics: Participate in institutional quality benchmarking exercises through the African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM)
ACE for Development Impact Project
The Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence for Development Impact (ACE Impact) is a World Bank funded initiative committed to strengthening higher education training and applied research programs, with a focus on development impact through activities targeting overall institutional advancement support on research commercialization, and entrepreneurship.
The project supports 10 countries in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and The Gambia) including Djibouti to promote regional specialization among participating universities in thematic areas that address common regional challenges and strengthen the capacities of these universities to deliver quality training and applied research. There are 53 centers focused on postgraduate education, applied research and addressing development challenges within the region.
The thematic areas covered are Agriculture, Health, STEM, Environment, Education and Social Sciences.