How to join AAU

Who Can Join the AAU?

Public and private universities, polytechnics, higher education colleges and other institutions recognized by the country authorities as higher education and research institutions. For details, see the AAU constitution and bye-laws.

The AAU is a prestigious network that provides a continental platform for its member universities to meet, network, share knowledge, share experiences, broker partnerships and collaborate with each other in a diversity of areas related to their areas of specialization, research interests, teaching and learning. The AAU is unique in that its scope covers the diverse areas represented by both research and or teaching universities/institutions. In this regard the AAU platform provides an opportunity for African Higher Education leaders, academics, professionals and administrative staff to know each other and share experiences so that they contribute towards improving the quality of African Higher Education.

Several forums are being promoted within the Association to encourage collaborations by specialization areas and or research interests. Some of the forums are related to Research and Education Networks, the COREVIP (Conference for Rectors, Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities), Quality Assurance, Finance Personnel, ICT Personnel, E-learning Specialists, Communication and Public Relations Professionals, African History Experts, Librarians, African Centers of Excellence, Deans of Students Affairs, Students Representative Councils, Monitoring and Evaluation Experts, Procurement Experts, Directors of Research – among several other groups of specialization.

Before an institution joins the Association, it is important for that institution to familiarize itself with the associated benefits that accrue to it. After joining the AAU all institutions are encouraged to keep abreast with AAU activities by being part of the the AAU mailing list and newsletter (, following the AAU Twitter and Face Book social media platforms ( ;, and following the AAU TV ( – so that they benefit from the wealth of opportunities and information that are shared by the Association on a regular basis. AAU members must also make concerted efforts to be part of the various forums that are organized according to specializations (please email

The specific benefits for paid up AAU Member Institutions include:

Membership Benefits

1. AAU is a prestigious network that provides a continental platform for its member universities to meet, network, share knowledge, share experiences, broker partnerships and collaborate with each other in a diversity of areas related to their areas of specialization, research interests, teaching and learning.

2. Several forums are being promoted within the Association to encourage collaborations by specialization areas and or research interests.

3. Access to Publicity through the AAU Television

4. Access to diverse partners

5. Research Outputs Visibility through the Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD)
6. Opportunity to participate in discounted training programs

7. Special benefits for Staff from AAU Member Institutions the (see attached document)

8. Special benefits for students from AAU Member Institutions (see attached document)

9. Eligibility for paid up members to apply for various institutional grants

10. Eligibility for paid up members to participate in various continental initiatives – e.g. discounted fees for the African Quality Rating Mechanism Institutional Evaluations
Any university desiring membership in the Association shall submit an online application for membership to the Governing Board at least one month before the convening of the next General Conference. The application shall confirm that the applicant intends to adhere to the aims and objectives of the AAU and that the applicant meets the requirements set forth in Section I of the Bye-Laws.

The Governing Board may admit new members subject to ratification at the next General Conference by a simple majority of voting members present.

Categories of Membership
Two categories of members are spelt out under Article III (Sections 1 to 5) of the Constitution of the Association of African Universities as follows:

Full Membership

Section 1:

Full Membership to the Association is open to:
(a) Universities in Africa
(b) Institutions of higher education in Africa, which have university status in their respective countries.

Section 2:

(a) The Governing Board admits new members subject to ratification by the General Conference following the decision
(b) In recommending admission, the Governing Board shall be guided by the 'charter' or the instrument of incorporation of the applicant
(c) Where the applicant operates in a country with a national accreditation board or process, the Governing Board may take the decision of such a body into account in considering the application

Associate Membership

Section 3:

An institution which does not satisfy Section 1 of this Article may be admitted as an Associate Member.

Section 4:

If in an African country there is no institution which is eligible to be admitted as a member of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the preceding sections of this Article, one institution of higher learning in that country may as a special case be admitted as an Associate member of the Association.

Section 5:

Associate membership may be extended to other institutions of higher education or regional bodies and networks whose members are accredited universities or whose objectives are to promote activities of universities, whether located in or outside Africa, in accordance with Section 2 of this Article and any bye-laws enacted for the purpose.

Exceptional Admissions to Membership

Associate Members shall have the same rights and privileges and the duties of members except that an Associate Member may not vote or be a member of the Executive Board.

If and when an Associate Member fulfills the requirements for full membership, they may be admitted to full membership at the next General Conference by a simple majority of voting members present provided the Association has received advice in writing from the Associate Member, through the Governing Board, of the attainment of such status.

How to Join the AAU
Any university or higher education body desiring membership in the Association shall submit an online application for membership to the Governing Board at least one month before the convening of the next General Conference. The application shall confirm that the applicant intends to adhere to the aims and objectives of the AAU and that the applicant meets the requirements set forth in Section I of the Bye-Laws.

The Governing Board may admit new members subject to ratification at the next General Conference by a simple majority of voting members present.

Complete the Online Application Form

Subscription Rates
The Annual Membership Subscriptions rates are as follows:

- Full Members – US$3,000

- Associate members – US$2,000

In special circumstances, additional contributions and subscriptions may be recommended by the Governing Board.