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SINCE 1967

The Voice of Higher Education in Africa

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About AAU

Founded in 1967, the AAU is a prestigious network that provides a continental platform for its member universities to meet, network, share knowledge, share experiences, broker partnerships and collaborate with each other in a diversity of areas related to their areas of specialization, research interests, teaching and learning. The AAU is unique in that its scope covers the diverse areas represented by both research and or teaching universities/institutions. In this regard the AAU platform provides an opportunity for African Higher Education leaders, academics, professionals and administrative staff to know each other and share experiences so that they contribute towards improving the quality of African Higher Education.
Learn More about the AAU


Membership Map

In the map below you can explore the number of member universities in each country.
Hover on the coloured countries on the map to get information about the number and
list of AAU Member Universities there. [display-map id='5482']

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